
Value Engineering and Technical Consulting

Ensuring everything works after handover

A sustainable technological concept formsthe basis for economic buildings. Thispresupposes multiple-trade planning ofbuilding construction, the facade and thebuilding services engineering while focusingon efficient operation. To ensure this, wereview the contents of plans for consistencywith the functional, qualitative andeconomic demands in play; if need be, wecall for a revision of the plans.

First, we translate your ideas and requirementsinto functional and economic requirementprofiles, the so-called “planningspecifications”.These forms the specificationsfor planners against which planningis measured later on. For example, in thecase of architectural competitions wescrutinize the design and building technology concepts for adherence to the planningspecifications, and control optimization ofplanning.

During execution planning and the invitationto tender, we perform our own controlcalculations as we monitor adherence tothe optimized concepts using the “secondopinion” principle, bringing our expertiseand experience from many projects to bear.During the realization phase our focus is onfunctional and quality assurance throughqualified monitoring or, in the case ofparticularly complex construction projects,through technical project managementincluding a structured commissioning,acceptance and handover process.

We also take over interface reviews ofthe trades of building services engineering,energy design, facility management,building physics, facade and structure. If aproject has begun to develop in the wrongdirection, we systematically bring it backon track. The effect is one of comprehensivesupport and quality assurance for yourproject with a solution approach that setsthe right relationship between functionsand costs.

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