
Building Physics, Building Ecology

Guarantor for quality and efficiency

If buildings are to operate efficiently whileoffering maximum comfort at the same time,they must fulfill basic physical guidelines.We offer you the theoretical knowledgethat this requires – together with our longstandingpractical construction expertisefor your project.

Whether it is thermal insulation, buildingdensity or room acoustics: usually, thereare several factors that influence a singlevalue. Achieving the desired qualityand ensuring it over a longer period of timecalls for sophisticated measurement methodsand complex calculations.

Our building physical engineers have morethan 20 years of practical constructionexperience, amassed over the course ofmany hundreds of projects. They also keepabreast of the latest developments in theirfield through regular continuing-educationcourses. The tight networking with in-housecolleagues from the adjoining engineeringdisciplines of building services engineering,facade engineering, energy design andbuilding ecology guarantees solutions thatfit perfectly with no gaps.
Our consulting team in building ecologycoordinates with you in the use ofenvironmentallycompatible and healthy constructionmaterials. We also take into account the energy required to produce and operatethe building; this prevents unnecessaryemissions. In addition to the use of environmentallyfriendly and harmless materials,we also focus on recycling and wastemanagement to avoid harmful emissionsand hazardous waste.

Building physics is a service element withinour general technical planning. With this,you are certain that questions of buildingphysics are also resolved by proven professionalswithin the scope of a comprehensiveoverall coordination of all the trades.

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