

Value-oriented management for the entire life-cycle

Sustainable real estate – buildings forwhich natural resources are used consciouslynot only represents major value; it alsoties up lots of capital and generates costs.In light of this, while buildings must bedesigned and built to be environmentallycompatible, they also need to be economicalto operate and maintain.

A value-oriented approach to managementcovers the entire life-cycle of real estate,from planning to construction to use oreven alternatives for adaptive reuse. Withour Life-Cycle-Engineering, we plan andbuild sustainable buildings and provideconsulting for resource-conserving, efficientoperation. We examine and assessportfolio real estate and its use in view ofeconomic, technical and environmentalqualities. Based on our findings, wedevelop strategies for optimizing profitsand life-cycle costs over the entire life of aproperty.

In our service portfolio, Life-Cycle Engineering is comprised of four sequentialelements: first is goal definition, where wework with you to define the goals and thescope of analysis of our consulting. This isfollowed by collection and assessmentof e.g. the investment- and maintenancerelatedfacts involved. Based on this, wederive the life-cycle costs, quantifying allcosts precisely, including substitute investmentsfor improvement measures as wellas all costs incurred for inspection, maintenanceand repair work. On this transparentbasis, we plan the scope of all measuresrequired, the exact timing of execution andthus the liquidity and budget planning, allof which we co-ordinate with you.

Thanks to these perfectly dovetailing elements,we can realize long-term cost-savingand value-add potentials for you, whileavoiding the risks that can result from anuncontrolled or non-existent real estatelife-cycle strategy.

This ensures that you can achieve long-termeconomic success with your property whileusing your financial resources economicallyand ecologically – thereby securing longtermand systematic preservation of value.

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